SineSwiper / RimWorld-XenobionicPatcher

Fix surgical operations to work with all of your bionics, implants, animals, humans, aliens
Artistic License 2.0
4 stars 3 forks source link

Incompatibility with Vanilla Expanded Genetics #22

Open D3nnis3n opened 3 months ago

D3nnis3n commented 3 months ago

Hey, I have configured the mod to not allow animal implants to be patched so they can be used on humans: image

Yet, the animal implants from Vanilla Expanded Genetics can be put into humans and pawns with such do appear: image

Additionally, while I have set human implants to work on animals, the human implants from the same mod can still not be implanted into animals. (Which I personally don't mind, as it makes perfect sense for this mod, but probably is not working as intended either)

Hugslib Log:

Also I noticed that this is the only mod that doesn't appear in the mod options of XML Extensions when ticking the checkbox: image

All other of my nearly 500 mods appear there, just this one doesn't.

SineSwiper commented 1 month ago

Try setting some of the options to Strict in the latest update. That should enforce the separation you want.

D3nnis3n commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately neither with the setting "Strict" nor with "None" at Animal -> Human I was able to get rid of the option to install Animal Implants into normal, human pawns. Seems something is special with their operations then? I did ensure to restart the game after each change.