Singingkettle / ChangShuoRadioRecognition

AI Framework of Radio Recognition
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the class center distance expansion loss of FastMLDNN #5

Open Patrick-Nick opened 6 months ago

Patrick-Nick commented 6 months ago

I have read your paper about FastMLDNN. This is really excellent work. When I looked up your code, it seemed that I couldn't find the code of the class center distance expansion loss. Perhaps I missed it?

Singingkettle commented 5 months ago

Hi, recently, the code about FastMLDNN is rewritten upon new mmengine. Basically, the class center is made up of two parts in python code: class center distance and loss function (cross entropy loss ). image

The class distance is calculated in code (csrr/models/backbones/

"p = sim_matrix(self.classifier[3].weight, self.classifier[3].weight)"

The loss is cross entropy loss in

asq12138 commented 3 months ago

It's really excellent work. But I can't find the file that contains the sim_matrix function, and the file in current version. such as, from ...ops import sim_matrix, but i can't Correct import.