SingularTier / AerSpeech

A.E.R. Interface for Elite Dangerous
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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follow-up commands #33

Open enenra opened 9 years ago

enenra commented 9 years ago

Another thing that would be useful before we get API integration:

If I ask AER to tell me which the closest alliance system is, I'd like to then be able to tell her to type it into the current text field.

Example: "What is the closest Alliance system?" "Xi Wangda, spelled X I W A N G D A." (which, btw., appears to be Empire controlled. Also, AER doesn't spell the spaces so with some it gets hard to find them) "Type that."

SingularTier commented 9 years ago

I'll add "space" to the spelling method.

The problem with Xi wangda comes from, if you find problems in the data you can update the data and download the jsons again after they update overnight. This process will be automatic in 1.4

Every time Aer spells something, you can have her type it by saying 'type that' already. The grammar is below:

  <rule id="TypeLastSpelled">
    <item repeat="0-1">
      <ruleref uri="#CommandPrefix" />
      type that
    <item repeat="0-1"> for </item>
    <item repeat="0-1"> me </item>
enenra commented 9 years ago

Huh. I do think I've tried that and it didn't work. I probably need to train my speech recognition a bit more. Also having major trouble with system names at times.

SingularTier commented 9 years ago

Are you using the Voice attack plugin? Typing doesn't work in there currently - you have to use standalone.

I'm sorry for all the bugs/issues - I'm slowly working through them as they come in.

enenra commented 9 years ago

No I'm using the standalone. I don't have VA.

And don't you worry. I love it. Sure there's bugs and things that don't work too well but the whole idea and implementation is awesome. I absolutely love it. It's essentially what I imagined as a kid when thinking about how piloting a spaceship would work. Seeing it actually become real and work pretty well is still kind of unbelievable to me. :D

SingularTier commented 9 years ago

if you say "type that" Aer should respond affirmative ("OK", "SURE", "FINE") and then type the last spelled word out to the current keyboard cursor position. If you're not getting the affirmative, then AER isn't picking up the command. If you're not getting the text, then the Keyboard input isn't sending correctly.

And thanks, I only hope that I can make it work smoother before the frontier API comes out.

Edit: I'm going to go ahead and file this a bug - seeing as you're having too much problems using the 'type that' command - it shouldn't be that way regardless if it's a program bug or documentation bug.

enenra commented 9 years ago

I think I just used the wrong wording, honestly. I just started it up again to check and it seems to work without problems. I don't think it's bugged. :)

A question though. Does the "reverse" also work? As in, if AER gets the system I want to tell it wrong, can I say something like "listen to spelling" and spell it out entirely or partially in NATO alphabet?

Case in point: Set current system.

The thing is that I'm not a native speaker so my pronunciation is likely to be off often. And that certainly doesn't help with TTS. ^^

If it isn't already in, should I create a separate issue post for it?

SingularTier commented 9 years ago

You can already use NATO spelling in place of all system names at any prompt.

"Set Current System to leema echo echo sierra tango india"

will set it to Leesti.

Giving AER a NACK to say what she heard was wrong though, that's something else I need to do.