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Create SearchAnimals view #32

Open omiras opened 3 years ago

omiras commented 3 years ago

Crete the search animals view according to the wireframe

At this moment, display only these options:

  1. Location. User should be able to select location by province (have a look how it is done in AnimalForm.vue)
  2. First version of the seatch settings:
    1. Select box of species (dog,cat, etc)
    2. Sex
    3. Age
    4. Adoption type

For each select option, the default value should be 'Any'. Only species field and location are required.

omiras commented 3 years ago
  1. Once the form is submitted, we should build this object:

{ age: 0, sex: 1, location: 1, species: 1 }

  1. Modify store/index.js
    1. Create a property in the state, to store the app's filters (animalSearchFilters)
    2. Create an action, updateFilters
    3. Create a mutation. This mutation should do two things:
      1. Mandatory: update the animalSearchFilters with the new filters
      2. Optional: Try to use Capacitor Storage to store the filters in the mobile's storage. We'll have to figure out later where to retrieve the filters once the app is loaded.