SinuXVR / xDuoo-X3II-custom-firmware

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[Feature Request] Volume control for passthrough DAC devices #4

Open WARUMBERG opened 2 years ago

WARUMBERG commented 2 years ago

Hello, First of all - great project! I've been enjoying your firmware since 3 months now. I would like to request a little nifty feature: I've noticed that xDuoo X3II [@ 1.2 stock firmware as well as your firmware] can actually use external USB DACs to output music, such as Audioquest Dragonfly Black, however it doesn't have a volume control, so it's blasting it at 100% external DAC's volume. Could you see whenever it is possible to add a volume control for such things?

Although it sounds like extremely niche feature, it actually would be really convient - it would extend X3II ability to be all-around DAP. Right now if I want to listen to something using such "portable" DAC devices I do need to bring my old phone and swap microSD card with albums from XII to it. Being able to use XII as "Host DAP" for other DACs would greatly extend it's usefulness, as well as serve as upgrade path - since there's plenty of good portable DACs that unfortunately need at least a smartphone to function - and using them on to go with a phone not only cumbersome but also rapidly wears out physically smartphone's USB port.