Sinytra / Connector

A compatibility layer that allows running Fabric mods on MinecraftForge
MIT License
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Mythic upgrades 3.0.1 and its dependencies doesn't work #1065

Open MikroChris opened 3 weeks ago

MikroChris commented 3 weeks ago

Mod Name

mythic upgrades

Mod Homepage

Minecraft version


Describe the bug

Mythic upgrades mod doesn't work with connector, it doesn't even let the game launch, it crashes

Steps to reproduce

1. 2. 3. ...


Additional context

No response

hiimrickross commented 2 weeks ago

v2.3.2 apparently works but I seem to have resource reload failure with it. ' It works fine starting the game and setting resources, but then in-game or after returning to menu it will constantly fail until next boot. It crashed once and it mentioned it luckily, so I removed and that fixed it. According to the mod page, versions 2.4.0+ onwards don't work on Sinytra.