Sinytra / Connector

A compatibility layer that allows running Fabric mods on MinecraftForge
MIT License
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Continuity glowing ore resource packs not working under Sinytra Connector Forge environment #1104

Open FullMetalMaster opened 3 weeks ago

FullMetalMaster commented 3 weeks ago

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Minecraft version


Describe the bug

the mod seems to load without issue but does not function as intended

Steps to reproduce

using create Embeddium Continuity Cobblemon All Glowing + (ores, mobs and w/ more supports) and Cobblemon Emissive Ores


Additional context

trying to have all ores glow with shaders using Oculus mod

Su5eD commented 3 weeks ago

Please include a link to the mentioned "All Glowing + (ores, mobs and w/ more supports) and Cobblemon Emissive Ores" mods / resourcepacks.

Does this work for you without embeddium installed? Also try installing Lazurite alongside Embeddium.

FullMetalMaster commented 3 weeks ago

I will post the links and try that as soon as possible

FullMetalMaster commented 3 weeks ago