Sinytra / Connector

A compatibility layer that allows running Fabric mods on MinecraftForge
MIT License
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Axiom-Embeddium incompatibility #1140

Closed Jakub-Wilk closed 2 weeks ago

Jakub-Wilk commented 2 weeks ago

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Describe the bug

Using Axiom 3.0.0 and Embeddium 0.3.20, the game launches correctly, but crashes on entering a world. That happens regardless of the json files from #399 being in /config or not.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Connector 1.0.0 beta 43, Axiom 3.0.0, Embeddium 0.3.20 on Forge 47.1.3
  2. Add the two config files from #399
  3. Launch the game and create a world
  4. Upon joining the world, the game immediately crashes


Crash and debug logs:

Additional context

No response

Dokman commented 2 weeks ago

My log

coco875 commented 2 weeks ago

Use embeddium 0.3.18

Su5eD commented 2 weeks ago

This is a conflict between Embeddium and Axiom, thus it cannot be fixed on our side.

Jakub-Wilk commented 1 week ago

Use embeddium 0.3.18

Thank you, it indeed works with 0.3.18