Sinytra / Connector

A compatibility layer that allows running Fabric mods on MinecraftForge
MIT License
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Bren incompatibility #1142

Open Axi0L opened 2 weeks ago

Axi0L commented 2 weeks ago

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Describe the bug

Weapons don't shoot

Steps to reproduce

  1. Use latest version of Connector and Bren mod
  2. Open any world
  3. Grab shotgun and shells (or any other weapons)
  4. load it with "r" button
  5. shoot it with right click. It will deplete shells, but not shoot ...


Additional context

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ThePiekar commented 1 week ago

To add to this it seems like a server/client sync issue. I am fairly certain of it (don't take me too seriously though, i only glanced at the code and tested the behaviour).

Shooting seemingly consumes ammo and plays the animation of the held item. Yet, when removing ammo from weapon/unloading the weapon item and reloading it. The weapon seems to not have lost any ammo from shooting. So my bet is the packet sent to server to signify weapon being shot doesn't quite accomplish its task, everything that happens seems to be happening purely client side.