Sinytra / Connector

A compatibility layer that allows running Fabric mods on MinecraftForge
MIT License
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Wheelbarrow crash #1146

Open asasinmode opened 2 weeks ago

asasinmode commented 2 weeks ago

Mod Name


Mod Homepage

Minecraft version


Describe the bug

Minecraft crashes during launching when the Wheelbarrow mod is present

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a minecraft forge 1.20.1-47.2.17 profile
  2. Add Sinytra Connector 1.0.0-beta.43+1.20.1, Forgified Fabric API 0.92.2+1.11.8+1.20.1, Cloth Config API 11.1.118+forge, Wheelbarrow 1.0.1
  3. Launch minecraft


Additional context

I'm the developer of the Wheelbarrow mod and I'm new to modding but logs seem to say it's an issue with mixins. If it's my mod that's doing something wrong let me know

[11Jun2024 17:37:42.729] [Render thread/ERROR] [net.minecraftforge.fml.javafmlmod.FMLModContainer/LOADING]: Caught exception during event net.minecraftforge.client.event.EntityRenderersEvent$RegisterRenderers@4b024fb2 dispatch for modid fabric_rendering_v1
org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.MixinTransformerError: An unexpected critical error was encountered
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InjectionError: Critical injection failure: Callback method modifyRenderLimbAnimationCheck(ZLnet/minecraft/world/entity/LivingEntity;FFLcom/mojang/blaze3d/vertex/PoseStack;Lnet/minecraft/client/renderer/MultiBufferSource;I)Z in wheelbarrow.client.mixins.json:LivingEntityRendererMixin from mod wheelbarrow failed injection check, (0/1) succeeded. Scanned 1 target(s). Using refmap client-wheelbarrow-refmap.json
rjshadowface commented 2 weeks ago

Here are the logs regarding this issue: