Sinytra / Connector

A compatibility layer that allows running Fabric mods on MinecraftForge
MIT License
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[1.20.1] Crash with Progressive Archery #1157

Open Galysso opened 1 week ago

Galysso commented 1 week ago

Mod Name

Progressive Archery

Mod Homepage

Minecraft version


Describe the bug

Crashes early at startup

Steps to reproduce

On top of Sinytra Connector and Forgified Fabric API, the mods required are:

Regarding Cloth Config API, I tried both Forge and Fabric versions, it throws the same error.

No crash report but latest.log and debug.log files are provided.


Additional context

It crashes very early, probably due to a mixin incompatibility. I suppose line 82 of the latest.log file is the relevant one.