Sinytra / Connector

A compatibility layer that allows running Fabric mods on MinecraftForge
MIT License
450 stars 17 forks source link

Crash on statup #1158

Closed Fingernailsss closed 1 week ago

Fingernailsss commented 1 week ago

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Minecraft version


Describe the bug

crashes on startup. i have tried disabling everything but the fabric mods, then disabling all the fabric mods then disabling everything except for connecter and it's dependencies. issue only goes away when i remove connecter

Steps to reproduce



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liangmoe commented 1 week ago

Read line 93 from your log, you are missing some dependencies mod from another mods, not even related to sinytra

Su5eD commented 1 week ago

Please read the issue template more carefully. For modpack related issues, use the support channel on our discord server.

Before reporting, please ensure that:

  • You've installed a minimal set of mods required to reproduce the issue. Issues with modpacks and excessive amount of mods will not be accepted, as they take a long time to diagnose. Knowing which mods are causing problems allows us to focus on fixing the issue as soon as possible. If you're unsure which mods might be at fault, try using binary search - removing half of installed mods repeatedly until the faulty mod is found.

To upload logs, use an external paste site, such as Github Gist (recommended), Ubuntu Pastebin or Pastebin