Sinytra / Connector

A compatibility layer that allows running Fabric mods on MinecraftForge
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Immersive Portals with Embeddium makes nothing render #1163

Open CalebHaleDev opened 1 week ago

CalebHaleDev commented 1 week ago

Mod Name

Immersive Portals + Embeddium

Mod Homepage

Minecraft version


Describe the bug

No blocks or entities render, but clouds and particles do

Steps to reproduce

As soon as you enter the world, nothing renders


I don't see a debug.log in the logs directory

Additional context

TL;DR; I tested combinations of mods and found Immersive Portals breaks rendering when combined with Embeddium

Thanks for all your great work!

I was going to make a modpack for personal use, so some other mods were installed. Playing with immersive portals disabled everything worked fine, so the issue is not solely within any other mods. I had several mods from someaddon but tried disabling all of them, which didn't fix the issue. I also tried disabling all the "content" mods and left only Immersive Portals, Connector, Connector Extras, Citadel, Balm, Embeddium, Cupboard, FerriteCore, spark, ModernFix, and Redirector[Modern]. This did not fix the issue. Using only Su5eD's mods, FerriteCore, and immersive portals finally worked. So, one of the following mods is the issue: Citadel, Balm, Embeddium, Cupboard, spark, ModernFix, or Redirector[Modern]. Adding Embeddium and ModernFix caused the issue. Disabling Embeddium removes the issue. I then tried running only Su5eD mods and Embeddium and everything worked fine, so Embeddium and Immersive Portals were both definitely the issue, but only together.