Sinytra / ForgifiedFabricAPI

Fabric API implemented on top of NeoForge
Apache License 2.0
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`BakedModelManagerMixin.getModel` mixin overwrites Forge's equivalent patch #91

Closed SquidDev closed 6 months ago

SquidDev commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug

Tested with:

Fabric API (and thus Forgified Fabric API) adds a method to ModelManager/BakedModelManagerMixin to get the model from a ResourceLocation/Identifier:

However, this shadows a similar method within Forge:

While this would be fine, the two methods have different implementations - the Forge method is guaranteed to not return null, while the Fabric one does. This means that any mod which expects this method to not return null, will crash if the model cannot be loaded.

This has been seen in, where (for unrelated reasons) a model could not be loaded, which caused a crash when trying to use that model.


No response

Additional context

Just to confirm that which method implementation was present in the class, I enabled mixin dumping in an environment with just Forgified Fabric API installed:

$ javap -c net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelManager | grep --after=10 getModel\(
  public net.minecraft.client.resources.model.BakedModel getModel(net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation);
       0: aload_0
       1: getfield      #92                 // Field f_119397_:Ljava/util/Map;
       4: aload_1
       5: invokeinterface #421,  2          // InterfaceMethod java/util/Map.get:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
      10: checkcast     #126                // class net/minecraft/client/resources/model/BakedModel
      13: areturn

I wonder if it's worth having something as part of the build process which ensures that this does not happen again. Unfortunately I don't believe any of mixin's debug options will catch this :(

Su5eD commented 6 months ago

Sorry about the confusion, it should be fixed now.

SquidDev commented 6 months ago
