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`` FFAPI equivalent to ``? #1

Open sisby-folk opened 1 month ago

sisby-folk commented 1 month ago

Website repo is privite, so i'll pop this here

Odd request, would it be possible to have an equivalent to fabric's develop page on that shows the same stuff, but fetches the latest FAPI version based on the latest version embedded in FFAPI?

We have this problem (and had it when using QFAPI too) where we'll just pull in the latest FAPI version into our dependencies whenever we clean up a mod or create a new one, just to make sure we're accounting for any breakages.

Problem with that is sometimes we're a little ahead of the curve and end up keying in a version that won't be downstream in FFAPI (and therefore will be incompatible with connector installs) for a few days.

If i could just flip open an equivalent to the page that keeps this in mind, this problem that's haunted me since QFAPI was released would finally go away.

Su5eD commented 1 month ago

Yeah, sounds like a good idea to me.

Also, I completely forgot about the website being private, going to fix that right away..