Closed jellila closed 4 years ago
Hi Laura,
PIRATE has already done the BLASTing for you, The presence/absence file (PIRATE.gene_families.tsv) should contain the relevant info.
All the best, Sion
Thanks Sion!
P.S. I love your jokes!!!
Feel free to suggest some for the next release :)
Hello 🙂
I would like to ask you some help/suggestions please. I am trying to create an image (either with brig or cgview or circos) where three plasmids are compared. Every plasmid comes from a different strain and they have some differences. My idea was to create a sort of pan genome of the three plasmids as a reference, and then blast every plasmid around this pan genome, showing the genes are present in every single plasmid. I hope this makes sense! I use pirate to perform the analyses, but actually i don't really know how to go on. I don't think that the pan_sequences.fasta file is what I need (since it contains the same gene multiple times), but also the representative_sequences.ffn is not ideal (as it only has one representative per gene cluster, and if a plasmids have duplications I won't be able to show them). Would anyone please have any suggestions?
Thank oyu.