SirSquidly / Oceanic-Expanse

A 1.12.2 Minecraft Mod which adds various pieces of ocean-based content.
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Critical client crash #2

Closed nocturni closed 1 year ago

nocturni commented 1 year ago

While the server doesn't crash, the client cannot join anymore due to a crash related to an entity.

SirSquidly commented 1 year ago

How odd, this has to be an issue related to the combination of mods, as it seems related to ItemStack, which ConduitEye never calls or uses in any way.

If I had to predict, maybe a mod is interacting with ConduitEye as it extends EntityAnimal (for some reason????)

nocturni commented 1 year ago

I have no idea, I wasn't doing anything in particular at this time, I tried to remove every mod that altered vanilla minecraft and the crash still happened.

nocturni commented 1 year ago

Some other crash mentioned that it was related to "null" in InjectAI at line 57, I can't seem to find the crash in my files however.

SirSquidly commented 1 year ago

I have no idea, I wasn't doing anything in particular at this time, I tried to remove every mod that altered vanilla minecraft and the crash still happened.

I'm 99% certain this is from UniveralTweaks in the UTMobDespawnMixin. I'm simplifying the ConduitEye entity to see if that helps or works.

Some other crash mentioned that it was related to "null" in InjectAI at line 57, I can't seem to find the crash in my files however.

This listed issue is unrelated to InjectAI. InjectAI also shouldn't ever return null? I'll throw in a bonus check to be certain.

SirSquidly commented 1 year ago

Version 1.0.2 is being uploaded to Curseforge, please respond back if the issue persists in this new version.

EDIT: 1.0.2 is uploaded with the fixes.

nocturni commented 1 year ago

Thanks a bunch for looking into it! I'll tell you if anything goes wrong after the update (I disabled entities temporarily to prevent the crash, I'll re-enable them).