SirSquidly / Oceanic-Expanse

A 1.12.2 Minecraft Mod which adds various pieces of ocean-based content.
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[bug] cod does not despawn properly #49

Closed darkheadmaster132 closed 3 weeks ago

darkheadmaster132 commented 6 months ago

other entites are fine but the cod fish does not despawn after spawning, at 11 chunk render distance i had at least 2000 cod spawned in ocean biome

SirSquidly commented 6 months ago

Cod don't have anything special to their spawning or anything that could mark them persistent, so I think this might actually be an issue of too many spawning outright,

Can you confirm that you are using the most recent version of the mod?

darkheadmaster132 commented 6 months ago

i am using the 1.0.7 version, also i know what the exact problem is now, all of the fish do not despawn (exactly cod, salmon, tropical fish and pufferfish)

i done nothing but test the mod all day at first i though it was something to do with render distance or simulation distance but no so i turned to the most crude way to test

I spawned vanilla squid and some of the modded entites and teleported like 2000 block away (not outside of the render distance) all of the squid despawned but the fish stayed

SirSquidly commented 4 months ago

Checking this myself, I found that you are completely correct. They inherit from the Animal class (such as Cows, Pigs, ect) which disallows normal despawning for the sake of player farming.

I already included checks to keep them from overpopulating Oceans, but re-enabling despawning will also be good.

SirSquidly commented 4 months ago

Fixed in development workspace. It'll come bundled with a nice content update aswell.

SirSquidly commented 3 weeks ago

Fixed in 1.1.0