SirSquidly / Oceanic-Expanse

A 1.12.2 Minecraft Mod which adds various pieces of ocean-based content.
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[Suggestion] Bucketed Mobs without water #61

Open Coder-Relri opened 1 month ago

Coder-Relri commented 1 month ago

I know that you will be adding a config option about how buckets will function with Java's implementation, or with Bedrock's implementation, but would it be possible to have a feature with the config that with the Java implementation where you can still pick up mobs with a bucket outside of water? This is mostly for the feature to being able to bucket mobs that are no where close to any water, or mobs from other dimensions that don't have it.

I know this suggestion may seem redundant since Bedrock's implementation is basically what I'm suggesting just without the water, but I thought I would suggest it anyway to see your thoughts.

SirSquidly commented 1 month ago

I could add that, although the Spawn Buckets need a rework, especially in how their models are setup.

So, that'd be a maybe?