Sirse / MineFantasyII-Cont

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Cannot Create Multiple Outputs With Bloomery #18

Open azacock opened 7 years ago

azacock commented 7 years ago

Example Script:

import mods.minefantasy.Bloomery;
Bloomery.addRecipe(<minecraft:flint>*4, <minecraft:cobblestone>);

Expected Behavior: Upon breaking the bloom with a hammer, 4 pieces of flint should be dropped

Actual Behavior: Upon breaking the bloom, only 1 piece of flint is dropped

Sirse commented 7 years ago

By default, TEBloom ignores stack size in recipeList hashmap and sets output stacksize equals to input stacksize:

res2.stackSize = inv[0].stackSize;

This is not bug, because bloom smelts whole input stacksize into output stack. If output has multiplier we will result huge itemstack in bloom inventory after process.