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Module not found problem #35

Closed jfreak53 closed 9 years ago

jfreak53 commented 9 years ago

I'm having a problem running an app that my colleagues have running fine on their Macs and Linux machines. Every time I start in the emulator (Android SDK and Genymotion) it tells me that it cannot find the module. But the module is right there.

My colleagues have sent me working zipped versions from their PCs and it still will not compile on mine. Titanium 3.5.1GA is what I am using.


[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [1722,1722] ----- Titanium Javascript Runtime Error -----
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [1,1723] - In ti:/module.js:280,9
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [1,1724] - Message: Uncaught Error: Requested module not found:
[ERROR] :  TiExceptionHandler: (main) [0,1724] - Source:         throw new Error("Requested module not found: " + request);
[ERROR] :  V8Exception: Exception occurred at ti:/module.js:280: Uncaught Error: Requested module not found:


$ node -v
$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_79"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.5) (7u79-2.5.5-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)
$ ti --version

$ ti sdk
Titanium Command-Line Interface, CLI version 4.0.1, Titanium SDK version 3.5.1.GA
Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Appcelerator, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

Please report bugs to

SDK Install Locations:
   /home/land/.titanium [default]

Installed SDKs:
   3.5.1.GA [selected]  /home/land/.titanium/mobilesdk/linux/3.5.1.GA

Here is a full stack page where I am looking for help also showing some SS.

astjohn commented 9 years ago

I can't tell which version of this module you're using, but this sounds very familiar.

I had hoped the issue was solved by the latest release. If that's not the case, please let me know.

jfreak53 commented 9 years ago

You are my new favorite person on planet earth! :) thank you so much. It's finally working, I've been at it a week and gotten no where haha. Thanks again!

astjohn commented 9 years ago

No problem! ...but about the release version... are you using the new one? It would be helpful to know if the new version solved this issue or not.

jfreak53 commented 9 years ago


jfreak53 commented 9 years ago

Not sure if that is new or old, we inherited the app from another dev. Never used it before :)

astjohn commented 9 years ago

No worries. If you have a free moment, try replacing it with the newest version and let me know how it goes. I think we solved that issue, but would love to know for sure.