Sitata / titanium-google-analytics

Google analytics for Appcelerator Titanium
MIT License
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Not Working in 5.5.1 for iOS #60

Open jabele opened 7 years ago

jabele commented 7 years ago

Although it is working great in my Android apps I am having trouble getting this to work at all in iOS apps in 5.5.0 or 5.5.1. It is not showing any usage stats at all for iOS despite it being setup the same way as it was in 5.3+ and 5.4+ versions. Anyone else running into these issues?

tujoworker commented 7 years ago

I'm getting this logs:

[Ti:WARN] Couldn't fetch module from HTTP server. Use local file.
[Ti:WARN] Couldn't fetch module from file system. Use original require.

Do You getting anything like this @jabele ?

tujoworker commented 7 years ago

I'm getting this logs:

shebby-dogfish commented 7 years ago

Hi @tujoworker or @jabele - did you guys find a fix for this ? I am just seeing the same problem on iOS - Android works fine! Thanks

jaceaser commented 7 years ago

I have 2 apps that work with 5.5.1 and one that isn't. I have no clue why 1 isn't working, but I don't see that error in my logs.

caiocost commented 7 years ago

You probably have the same problem, look for conflicts on the google_play jar files of your modules.

Remember that some modules are built in titanium folders

jaceaser commented 7 years ago

I don't think that is the issue. I have 2 projects, they have the same module, same SDK, same GA api key. One app will have data in GA, the other won't. I don't see any errors in the logs either.

jaceaser commented 7 years ago

I resolved the issue by setting run-on-main-thread to false. My other apps didn't have this setting in the tiapp.xml