Sitata / titanium-google-analytics

Google analytics for Appcelerator Titanium
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Webservice call not working #65

Open PassHours opened 7 years ago

PassHours commented 7 years ago

This code is written to call a web service. It works perfectly well when the SDK version is 5.1.1.GA. But when the version is changed to 6.0.2.GA..the service is not getting called. No error is thrown. Doesn't the version maintains backward compatibility. Could someone pls check and let me know? Thanks

var serviceCall = '$.ajax({' + 'url: "' + args.endPointURL + '" ,' + 'type: "' + args.serviceType + '",' + 'contentType: "application/json",' + 'data: ' + JSON.stringify(args.requestBody) + ',' + 'dataType: "json",' + 'success: function (msg, textStatus, XHR) {' + 'msg = JSON.stringify(msg);' + 'Ti.App.fireEvent("app:serviceSuccess", { message: msg, XHR: XHR});' + '},' + 'error: function(XHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {' + 'Ti.App.fireEvent("app:serviceError", { textStatus: textStatus, XHR: XHR});' + '},' + 'timeout: ' + timeout + '});';

var htmlView = ''; htmlView += ''; htmlView += ''; htmlView += ''; htmlView += ''; htmlView += ''; htmlView += '';

$.serviceWebView.html = htmlView;