Closed jengait closed 4 years ago
Seems like if I use 'debounce' only the first 25 records get requested and displayed, and I can't scroll down any further. But if I set it to 'throttleDelayed' then I seem to have the ability to scroll down past the first set, but there are big white spaces between the sets of rows...??
Is this issue still occurring? If so, can you provide a test case and specify the browser(s) the bug occurs in?
Closing this issue as it lacks sufficient information to reproduce and has been inactive for a long time. If you continue to experience problems please open a new issue and provide a test case.
I am using OnDemandGrid (1.2.1) with a dstore (1.1.2), and an error is being thrown in OnDemandList.js; both rows and resolvedRows are undefined.
My dstore is defined first like this:
var TrackedRestStore = declare([Rest, SimpleQuery, Trackable]); seStore = new TrackedRestStore({ target: appUrl + "api/SP_SURVEY", accepts: "application/json", idProperty: "SURVEY_ID", sortParam: "sort", rangeStartParam: 'start', rangeCountParam: 'count' });
And dgrid is defined afterwards like this: `seGrid = new (declare([OnDemandGrid, Selection, DijitRegistry, Keyboard, Editor, ColumnHider, ColumnResizer, ColumnReorder]))({ id: "seGrid", idProperty: "ID", cellNavigation: true, columns: seColumns, collection: seStore.filter({ AREA: sArea }).sort({ property: "ID", descending: true }), region: 'center', selectionMode: "multiple" getBeforePut: false, farOffRemoval: 500,
keepScrollPosition: true, noDataMessage: "No results found.", showFooter: true });
I can't figure out why it thinks that rows is undefined; in stepping through the code I can see that it is requesting the first 25 items and that the total returned is 225. I have tried this both with the rangeStartParam and rangeCountParam options defined, and also have tried returning the Content-Range header in the response. I wrote the backend web service as well, and the first 25 items populate the grid, but when I scroll down to the bottom there is not a new request sent to the server.
What am I missing here?