Repository for official Sitecore, community and demo deployment files. This will provide Sitecore customers with examples on how to deploy Sitecore containers using various methods such as compose, k8s and helm.
Upon trying to start the docker container for the first time I am receiving the following error in PowerShell:
time="2023-08-09T22:38:05-04:00" level=warning msg="a network with name xc1-cxa_default exists but was not created by compose.\nSet `external: true` to use an existing network"
network xc1-cxa_default was found but has incorrect label set to ""
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Download the SDK container for XC (
Install Docker Desktop 4.22.0
Extract the SDK zip file
Open PowerShell to download directory
Browse to the scripts directory
Run the following command: .\ComposeInit.ps1 -LicenseXmlPath "license.xml" -SitecoreAdminPassword "Password123$" -SqlSaPassword "Password123!" -CdHost "" -CmHost "" -IdHost "" -BizFxHost "xxx.bizfx" -AuthoringHost "xxx.authoring" -ShopsHost "xxx.shops" -MinionsHost "xxx.minions" -Isolation "hyperv"
Browse to the xc1-cxa directory
Run: docker compose pull
Run: docker compose up -d
Expected behavior
The docker images load as expected along with the site.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Upon trying to start the docker container for the first time I am receiving the following error in PowerShell:
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior The docker images load as expected along with the site.
Desktop (please complete the following information):