SitecorePowerShell / Console

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Package creation with -recurse childitems #1323

Open PunjabSoftSolution opened 4 months ago

PunjabSoftSolution commented 4 months ago

Expected Behavior Package size should remain same with -recurse keyword.

Please describe the expected behavior. When creating a package with Get-ChildItem -Path "master:/content/home", the package is created as expected. However, when using the -Recurse keyword, the package size doubles. Upon opening the package to investigate the difference, I observed that each folder item appears twice. Please investigate this issue. Thank you in advance.

Get-ChildItem -Path "master:/content/home" - This command works as expected.

Get-ChildItem -Path "master:/content/home" -Recurse - This command increases the package size to double. For example, if the package size is 1 MB with the top query, using this query results in a package size of 2 MB because it adds the same item twice in the folder.

Sitecore version 10.3 and SPE version 6.4.

michaellwest commented 4 months ago

Can you provide a functioning script to reproduce the issue that works with the default home item? Perhaps a package with the test content too.