Sixstringcal / FTODrawer

An image generator for the FTO
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Improve compatibility across JVMs #2

Open rokicki opened 3 years ago

rokicki commented 3 years ago

When building, consider using the earliest possible release target (probably -source 7 -target 7) so users don't have to constantly update their Java installation.

Sixstringcal commented 3 years ago

I set the project's language level to 7, which I think does that?

I don't actually have anything lower than Java 10 on anything right now, so hopefully that does the trick. The SDK is still at 10 because of that.

rokicki commented 3 years ago

That should be great, thanks! Anything to help people from downloading another XXXMB from the great Oracle mothership.

(I don't know about "projects" and "language level"; that sounds like an IDE thing.

The javac command should have a -target that is at least a few years older than what Oracle is currently offering, and to use -target you usually need to use -source too.)


On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 6:59 PM Calvin Nielson wrote:

I set the project's language level to 7, which I think does that?

I don't actually have anything lower than Java 10 on anything right now, so hopefully that does the trick. The SDK is still at 10 because of that.

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