I created my own custom overlay with my idle pose where my character stand with expanded legs and arms. I set curves for arms and it is work, but I can not set curves for legs, it is ignored and my character with cramped legs.
Here is my pose with curves:
Here is my linked Anim blue print implemeted ALI overlay interface:
Here is result:
As you can see, arms expanded but legs...
I would wondered if you could help me with this task) Any suggestions ) Thank you!
Hello! I created my own custom overlay with my idle pose where my character stand with expanded legs and arms. I set curves for arms and it is work, but I can not set curves for legs, it is ignored and my character with cramped legs. Here is my pose with curves: Here is my linked Anim blue print implemeted ALI overlay interface: Here is result: As you can see, arms expanded but legs...
I would wondered if you could help me with this task) Any suggestions ) Thank you!