Sixze / ALS-Refactored

Completely reworked and improved C++ version of Advanced Locomotion System V4.
MIT License
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Set Desired Stance doesn't always seem to work when using custom stances? #500

Closed xkamronx closed 4 months ago

xkamronx commented 4 months ago

I added some custom stance gameplay tags where required, then added a 'force' for the tag to be set from another post here that said it had to do so to make it function to begin with.

When I call Set Desired Stance (it's currently being set on a RepNotify for driving, for example) it doesn't always seem to update across the network, and thus the character isn't in the driving animation on other clients.

Void AAlsCharacter::ApplyDesiredStance()
    if (!LocomotionAction.IsValid())

        Stance = DesiredStance;     // < Added this line to force custom stances

        if (LocomotionMode == AlsLocomotionModeTags::Grounded)

If I'm calling this setup wrong to change the character's stance with Set Desired Stance, what is the preferred method for actually changing the character stance to add other actions / states to ALS Refactored?