Sixze / ALS-Refactored

Completely reworked and improved C++ version of Advanced Locomotion System V4.
MIT License
943 stars 261 forks source link

UE 5.4.1 I can't open my project #514

Closed DashaKolts closed 3 months ago

DashaKolts commented 3 months ago

Hi everyone,

I apologize in advance if this question seems basic, but I'm really struggling and could use some help. I have no experience in coding and mainly work with Blueprints. I followed the initial setup guide for the ALS-Refactored plugin (clone the repository and merge the DefaultEngine.ini and DefaultInput.ini files), but I'm encountering several errors, and my project won't open.

Here are the specific errors I'm seeing:

Thank you for any help!

murataka commented 3 months ago

edit the Als.uplugin change EngineVersion to 5.4.1 from 5.3.0

{ "FileVersion": 3, "Version": 14, "VersionName": "4.13", "FriendlyName": "Advanced Locomotion System Refactored", "Description": "Completely reworked and improved С++ version of Advanced Locomotion System V4.", "Category": "Animation", "CreatedBy": "Sixze", "CreatedByURL": "", "DocsURL": "", "MarketplaceURL": "", "SupportURL": "", "EngineVersion": "5.4.1", "EnabledByDefault": true,

murataka commented 3 months ago

And use discussions for your questions .

DashaKolts commented 3 months ago

And use discussions for your questions .

Thank you and sorry. I still have a persistent problem and created a discussion about it. Thanks again!