Sixze / ALS-Refactored

Completely reworked and improved C++ version of Advanced Locomotion System V4.
MIT License
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Choppy Camera while walking #547

Open scope9 opened 3 weeks ago

scope9 commented 3 weeks ago

Whenever I walk on the ground or stairs the camera is very choppy but the camera for running works fine. Any suggestions to fix this?

jomath229 commented 3 weeks ago

I don't really know how the camera system works since I've been using my own, but from what I can see it seems like the linecast for the camera collision on world is starting from the bottom of the character's capsule, since we can see it moving back to its correct position from the capsule's bottom. Since it's starting from down there the linecast is constantly hitting the ground, moving the camera there, since it thinks it's a wall. I also don't know how you've setup your projet, but I'd look into finding the starting point of that linecast and try to move it up so the linecast stops constantly hitting the floor.

GStreetGames commented 2 weeks ago

The camera is colliding with something, either your character or the environment. Look at your collision for these things and alter them to ignore it or have it ignore them.