The secp256k1-zkp submodule at CLibWally/libwally-core/src/secp256k1 is updated along with libwally-core. In script we switch back to a vanilla libwally at the same commit that Bitcoin Core uses.
Although Bitcoin Core bumped that commit a few months ago, we don't change it here because secp256k1-zkp has not yet been rebased on it.
There were two breaking change in libwally-core:
wally_psbt_from_bytes got an additional FLAGS argument in 0fb94751def8b2c767680e2428ebe2fdabd436c7 (ElementsProject/libwally-core#336): trivially fixed by setting it to 0
wally_psbt_output no longer has a witness_script field as of 8f8481a3c509fc4a02425db3839f92594e6ea852 (ElementsProject/libwally-core#330). This required a more tedious workaround.
The secp256k1-zkp submodule at CLibWally/libwally-core/src/secp256k1 is updated along with libwally-core. In script we switch back to a vanilla libwally at the same commit that Bitcoin Core uses.
Although Bitcoin Core bumped that commit a few months ago, we don't change it here because secp256k1-zkp has not yet been rebased on it.
There were two breaking change in libwally-core:
wally_psbt_from_bytes got an additional FLAGS argument in 0fb94751def8b2c767680e2428ebe2fdabd436c7 (ElementsProject/libwally-core#336): trivially fixed by setting it to 0
wally_psbt_output no longer has a witness_script field as of 8f8481a3c509fc4a02425db3839f92594e6ea852 (ElementsProject/libwally-core#330). This required a more tedious workaround.