Sk1erLLC / AutoGG

Automatically say a selected phrase after a game has ended on supported servers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 15 forks source link

Multi-Server Update #7

Closed Moire9 closed 4 years ago

Moire9 commented 4 years ago

All that remains is to actually test it, and fix all the bugs I missed.

New triggers format: -snip- (removed because very big)

Ignore my amazing metasyntactics.

Moire9 commented 4 years ago

Current triggers: -snip- (removed because very big)

Moire9 commented 4 years ago

Finished. More servers can easily be added.

    "config_version": "2",
    "meta": {
        "version": "2.0",
        "upload_date": "2020-06-20",
        "note": "AutoGG Regex Triggers Config Version Two initial release"
    "servers": {
        "^(?:.+\\.)?hypixel\\.(?:net|io)$": {
            "triggers": [
                "^ +1st Killer - ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+ - \\d+(?: Kills?)?$",
                "^ *1st (?:Place ?)?(?:-|:)? ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+(?: : \\d+| - \\d+(?: Points?)?| - \\d+(?: x .)?| \\(\\w+ .{1,6}\\) - \\d+ Kills?|: \\d+:\\d+| - \\d+ (?:Zombie )?(?:Kills?|Blocks? Destroyed)| - \\[LINK\\])?$",
                "^ +Winn(?:er #1 \\(\\d+ Kills\\): \\w+ \\(\\w+\\)|er(?::| - )(?:Hiders|Seekers|Defenders|Attackers|PLAYERS?|MURDERERS?|Red|Blue|RED|BLU|\\w+)(?: Team)?|ers?: ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+(?:, ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+)?|TSeam ?[\\:-] (?:Animals|Hunters|Red|Green|Blue|Yellow|RED|BLU|Survivors|Vampires))$",
                "^ +Alpha Infected: \\w+ \\(\\d+ infections?\\)$",
                "^ +Murderer: \\w+ \\(\\d+ Kills?\\)$",
                "^ +You survived \\d+ rounds!$",
                "^ +(?:UHC|SkyWars|The Bridge|Sumo|Classic|OP|MegaWalls|Bow|NoDebuff|Blitz|Combo|Bow Spleef) (?:Duel|Doubles|Teams|Deathmatch|2v2v2v2|3v3v3v3)? ?- \\d+:\\d+$",
                "^ +They captured all wools!$",
                "^ +Game over!$",
                "^ +[\\d\\.]+k?/[\\d\\.]+k? \\w+$",
                "^ +(?:Criminal|Cop)s won the game!$",
                "^ +\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+ - \\d+ Final Kills$",
                "^ +Zombies - \\d*:?\\d+:\\d+ \\(Round \\d+\\)$",
                "^ +. YOUR STATISTICS .$"
            "casual_triggers": [
                "^MINOR EVENT! .+ in .+ ended$",
                "^DRAGON EGG OVER! Earned [\\d,]+XP [\\d,]g clicking the egg \\d+ times$",
                "^GIANT CAKE! Event ended! Cake's gone!$",
                "^PIT EVENT ENDED: .+ \\[INFO\\]$",
                "^\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? ?\\w+ caught ?a?n? .+! .*$"
            "antigg": [
                "^(?:.* )?(?:\\[.+] )?\\w{1,16}(?: .+)?: (?:❤|${antigg_strings})$"
            "anti_karma": [
                "^\\+(?<karma>\\d)+ Karma!$"
            "msg": [
                "/ac "
        "^superawesome\\.dk$": {
            "triggers": [
                "^(?:RØD|BLÅ) HOLD VINDER #GG$"
            "casual_triggers": [

            "antigg": [

            "anti_karma": [

            "msg": [
        "^(?:us|eu)\\.mineplex\\.com$": {
            "triggers": [
                "^ .* won the game!$"
            "casual_triggers": [

            "antigg": [
                "^\\d+ [A-Z ]+ (?:. )?\\w{1,16} (?:${antigg_strings})$"
            "anti_karma": [

            "msg": [

FalseHonesty commented 4 years ago

I haven’t looked through your commits, but you should clean up the commit structure. Looking simply at the names of your commits it seems like the first two commits can stay as they are and the last three should be squashed into one. If you believe there is a better way to do them, then please be my guest, just make sure that you keep separate changes in separate commits while also not having unnecessary commits (like the last two).

Also, theoretically it’d be nice for your commit messages to describe more about the changes rather than just “various fixes.” Perhaps expanding upon them as a list in the commit message body? Thank you :)

Moire9 commented 4 years ago

All the commits are in order. It also works on Mineplex now. Couldn't test superawesome because they went down. Note the Regex $^ will not match anything, hence its use where something should be disabled (like Karma on Mineplex).

``` { "triggers_format": "2", "meta": { "version": "2.0", "upload_date": "2020-06-20", "note": "AutoGG Regex Triggers Config Version Two initial release" }, "servers": { "^(?:.+\\.)?hypixel\\.(?:net|io)$": { "gg_triggers": { "triggers": [ "^ +1st Killer - ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+ - \\d+(?: Kills?)?$", "^ *1st (?:Place ?)?(?:-|:)? ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+(?: : \\d+| - \\d+(?: Points?)?| - \\d+(?: x .)?| \\(\\w+ .{1,6}\\) - \\d+ Kills?|: \\d+:\\d+| - \\d+ (?:Zombie )?(?:Kills?|Blocks? Destroyed)| - \\[LINK\\])?$", "^ +Winn(?:er #1 \\(\\d+ Kills\\): \\w+ \\(\\w+\\)|er(?::| - )(?:Hiders|Seekers|Defenders|Attackers|PLAYERS?|MURDERERS?|Red|Blue|RED|BLU|\\w+)(?: Team)?|ers?: ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+(?:, ?\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+)?|TSeam ?[\\:-] (?:Animals|Hunters|Red|Green|Blue|Yellow|RED|BLU|Survivors|Vampires))$", "^ +Alpha Infected: \\w+ \\(\\d+ infections?\\)$", "^ +Murderer: \\w+ \\(\\d+ Kills?\\)$", "^ +You survived \\d+ rounds!$", "^ +(?:UHC|SkyWars|The Bridge|Sumo|Classic|OP|MegaWalls|Bow|NoDebuff|Blitz|Combo|Bow Spleef) (?:Duel|Doubles|Teams|Deathmatch|2v2v2v2|3v3v3v3)? ?- \\d+:\\d+$", "^ +They captured all wools!$", "^ +Game over!$", "^ +[\\d\\.]+k?/[\\d\\.]+k? \\w+$", "^ +(?:Criminal|Cop)s won the game!$", "^ +\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? \\w+ - \\d+ Final Kills$", "^ +Zombies - \\d*:?\\d+:\\d+ \\(Round \\d+\\)$", "^ +. YOUR STATISTICS .$" ], "casual_triggers": [ "^MINOR EVENT! .+ in .+ ended$", "^DRAGON EGG OVER! Earned [\\d,]+XP [\\d,]g clicking the egg \\d+ times$", "^GIANT CAKE! Event ended! Cake's gone!$", "^PIT EVENT ENDED: .+ \\[INFO\\]$", "^\\[?\\w*\\+*\\]? ?\\w+ caught ?a?n? .+! .*$" ] }, "other_patterns": { "antigg": "^(?:.* )?(?:\\[.+] )?\\w{1,16}(?: .+)?: (?:❤|${antigg_strings})$", "anti_karma": "^\\+(?\\d)+ Karma!$" }, "other": { "msg": "/ac " } }, "^(?:us|eu)\\.mineplex\\.com$": { "gg_triggers": { "triggers": [ "^ .* won the game!$" ], "casual_triggers": [] }, "other_patterns": { "antigg": "^\\d+ [A-Z ]+ (?:. )?\\w{1,16} (?:${antigg_strings})$", "anti_karma": "$^" }, "other": { "msg": "" } }, "^superawesome\\.dk$": { "gg_triggers": { "triggers": [ "^(?:RØD|BLÅ) HOLD VINDER #GG$" ], "casual_triggers": [] }, "other_patterns": { "antigg": "$^", "anti_karma": "$^" }, "other": { "msg": "" } } } } ```