SkalskiP / courses

This repository is a curated collection of links to various courses and resources about Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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feat: Added 1book, 2courses, 2 youtube playlists #19

Open Joywalker opened 1 year ago

Joywalker commented 1 year ago


Materials go brr🚀

Pull request checklist

Added the following:

  1. Book - Machine Learning Engineering (Andriy Burkov)
  2. Prompt Engineering - LLM Prompting course by (Isa Fulford, Andrew Ng)
  3. Papers Explained - YouTube playlist with bunch of ML/DL papers explained by Yannic Kilcher
  4. MLOps Zoomcamp - YouTube playlist with steps to take an idea through the whole MLOps thinking paradigm by Alexey Grigorev
  5. MLOps and AutoML - Coursera (free/audit) course on AzureML,Sagemaker + MLOps practices by Noah Gift x Duke University
SkalskiP commented 1 year ago

Hi 👋🏻! @Joywalker and @chaidosa I'm putting that on hold because we will probably create a separate repository for books.