Skamt / BDAddons

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[Suggestion] Show ViewProfilePicture button on hover #3

Closed maenDisease closed 1 year ago

maenDisease commented 1 year ago

Have the button appear when hovering over the profile like the nitro button

.VPP-Button {
    opacity: 0;
    -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,-5px,0);
    transform: translate3d(0,-5px,0);
    -webkit-transition: opacity .15s ease-out,-webkit-transform .15s ease-out;
    transition: opacity .15s ease-out,-webkit-transform .15s ease-out;

.profileColors-3Y0XaR:hover .VPP-Button {
    opacity: 1;
    -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
    transform: translateZ(0);
    outline: 1px solid transparent;
Skamt commented 1 year ago

It is intentionally made to always be visible, in my personal experience i prefer to have buttons available as soon as possible, and sometimes i don't know something is there until i accidentally hover over it.

I may add that as a settings option in the future.