Skarafaz / mercury

Simple Android app that sends pre-configured commands to remote servers via SSH.
GNU General Public License v2.0
115 stars 20 forks source link

Dynamic Variables #29

Closed skluthe closed 10 months ago

skluthe commented 4 years ago

Please consider implementing the ability to add a variable into commands that allow user input. For example:

I have a server with nmap to do some pentesting from outside of my local network. I would like to be able to push the button to run the command and get a prompt that allows me to input the IP I would like to scan.

If you need some help, let me know. I haven't done much development but will dedicate some time to help this happen with some direction.


skluthe commented 4 years ago

For an example of this take a look at rundeck (it's where I got the idea from)

Skarafaz commented 4 years ago

Hi! I'm sorry for the late reply.

Of course I will consider this for future release.