Skarsnik / QUsb2snes

A Qt based webserver for usb2snes. Users: go check
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[QFile2Snes] Various suggestions and issues #30

Open codemann8 opened 4 years ago

codemann8 commented 4 years ago

There are a couple requests that I would like to see be added/considered:

1) Ability to view files by order of modified date. I have a ton of similarly named ROM files (aLttP rando seeds) in a folder. On Windows, I simply order the folder contents by modified date and I see the last seed I generated on the top of the list.

2) Fix the alphanumeric ordering to show folder contents in the correct order. Currently, all my folders that have an underscore prefix (ie. "_ROMs") show at the bottom of the list, these should be showing on the top of the list.

3) Drag and drop from an external Windows Explorer. It'd be nice, if one could simply drag and drop a file from an outside window to the Snes folder. That way my first suggestions would become moot. Edit Ignore this one, I just learned of the "Send To" functionality, this is awesome, although drag and drop would be a nice alternative as well.

4) Add a refresh button, so that if you change a folder's contents (from Explorer) and the changes can be viewed in the program without having to close and reopen the program. Edit Thsi too is basically solved by hitting the "." directory.

5) Fix issue when accidentally dragging and dropping an item from the left side and prematurely letting go (user error) and dropping on the left side and freezing the program.

6) Fix inconsistency issues where the program freezes for no apparent reason during a file transfer and freezes the program, forcing the user to kill the app.

7) Have the ability to reconnect to a new QUsb2Snes instance if the previous instance has crashed/exited and/or ability to connect to the SD2Snes if powered on after QFile2Snes was ran, or more specifically, if the console needs a reset.

8) For the "Send To" functionality, it'd be nice to be able to rename the destination filename. I have a folder with a bunch of MSU-1 tracks and have a need to rename the .sfc rom to a static filename each time. But instead, I have to open the main app to rename the destination file.

Skarsnik commented 4 years ago

To be fair I did not spend that much time on QFile2Snes (especially since I don't use it ^^)

1 - You could use the Send To menu feature to transfer rando rom, it's more convenient. But yes it's a good idea.

2 - Good point, I think I just keep what the firmware send me.

3 - This should work, it was like the first thing I coded if I remember correctly x)

4 - Just exit and reenter the folder, no need to restart the app, if this does not work I need to have a look at the API.

Crash during transfer is weird, it's maybe a qusb2snes bug, but I am not sure :(

codemann8 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply, I made a couple edits to the issue, I modified 3, and added 8 while you typed up your reply.

I also have some issues with Qusb2Snes crashes when using InputViewer. I'm using a SuperNT, so I suspect there is some kind of bug with SuperNTs that isn't playing nice with QUsb2Snes. I'm not really sure how to "debug" it as the debug log doesn't really give any good data and what's happening or what could be going wrong.

Skarsnik commented 4 years ago

Some of these idea get pushed this week end. I will try to look at of some of crash/error prevention later

codemann8 commented 4 years ago

@Skarsnik Tbh, I'm still on v7.11 since on every version following it, QFile always crashes when I navigate further than 1 directory deep. And that's only if I update from 7.11 to current thru the WinUpdater. If I download the 7zip from the releases page, QFile flat out doesn't recognize my SNES at all. So I'm really hoping your next version supplies some kind of fix for that. Hopefully you were aware that that's been a problem. If not, I could run some debug info as well.