TASK [service_bootstrap : vault - post/pki - enable PKI backend] ***************
fatal: [default]: FAILED! => {
"changed": false
Failed to initialize Terraform modules:
Error: Failed to install provider
Error while installing hashicorp/vault v2.15.0: could not query provider
registry for registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/vault: failed to retrieve
authentication checksums for provider: the request failed after 2 attempts,
please try again later: Get
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
default : ok=23 changed=5 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=6 rescued=0 ignored=0
Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be
visible above. Please fix these errors and try again.
make: *** [up] Error 1
Current behaviour
Expected behaviour
Goes through without failure
How to reproduce?
make up
from a mac running CatalinaSuggestion(s)/solution(s) [Optional]
This is most likely not the solution, but part of it https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/22193#issuecomment-610877715
Checklist (after created issue)