The first select in MachineswithoutlatestWindowsUpdateAgentVersion returns Windows 10 machines. ops.Version0, and LatestWUAVersion need to be treated like software versions instead of integers.
A quick and dirty workaround is to replace
"where ops.Version0 < '6.2' and uss.LastWUAVersion < '7.6.7600.256'"
in the XML file with
where ops.Version0 < '6.2' and ops.Version 0 NOT LIKE '10.0%' and uss.LastWUAVersion < '7.6.7600.256'
The first select in MachineswithoutlatestWindowsUpdateAgentVersion returns Windows 10 machines. ops.Version0, and LatestWUAVersion need to be treated like software versions instead of integers.
A quick and dirty workaround is to replace "where ops.Version0 < '6.2' and uss.LastWUAVersion < '7.6.7600.256'" in the XML file with where ops.Version0 < '6.2' and ops.Version 0 NOT LIKE '10.0%' and uss.LastWUAVersion < '7.6.7600.256'