SkeletonMan03 / FZEasyMarauderFlash

Easily Flash Marauder onto the Flipper Zero Devboard or an ESP32!
GNU General Public License v3.0
974 stars 121 forks source link

"Invalid option!"? #28

Closed Meatwad650 closed 1 year ago

Meatwad650 commented 1 year ago

The "Invalid option!" at the end shows up in red. What option was invalid? I'm using the Wi-Fi dev board.

`sudo python3 Password:


Marauder Flasher Script

Python edition by SkeletonMan

based off of a Windows Batch

script by Frog, UberGuidoz,

and ImprovingRigamarole

Thanks to everyone who has done

testing on various chips for me

Thanks to Scorp for compiling

needed bins for the ESP32-WROOM


Make sure your ESP32 or WiFi devboard is plugged in! Checking for prerequisites... The extra ESP32 bins folder exists! Checking for Marauder releases Great, you have the Marauder releases folder! ESP32 Marauder firmware exists at ESP32Marauder/releases/esp32_marauder_v0_10_3_20230414_flipper.bin ESP32 Marauder firmware exists at ESP32Marauder/releases/esp32_marauder_v0_10_3_20230414_flipper_sd_serial.bin ESP32-S3 firmware bin exists at ESP32Marauder/releases/esp32_marauder_v0_10_3_20230414_mutliboardS3.bin Old Hardware bin exists at ESP32Marauder/releases/esp32_marauder_v0_10_3_20230414_old_hardware.bin Mini bin exists at ESP32Marauder/releases/esp32_marauder_v0_10_3_20230414_mini.bin

//======================================================\ || Options: || || 1) Flash Marauder on WiFi Devboard or ESP32-S2 || || 2) Flash SD Serial Marauder on Devboard or ESP32-S2 || || 3) Save Flipper Blackmagic WiFi settings || || 4) Flash Flipper Blackmagic || || 5) Flash Marauder on ESP32-WROOM || || 6) Flash Marauder on ESP32 Wemos D1 Mini || || 7) Flash Marauder on ESP32-S3 || || 8) Update all files || || 9) Exit || \======================================================//

Please enter the number of your choice: 1 You have chosen to flash Marauder on a WiFi devboard or ESP32-S2 You are most likely using a Flipper Zero WiFi Devboard or an ESP32-S2 Erasing firmware... v4.5.1 Serial port /dev/cu.usbmodem01 Connecting... Chip is ESP32-S2 (revision v0.0) Features: WiFi, No Embedded Flash, No Embedded PSRAM, ADC and temperature sensor calibration in BLK2 of efuse V2 Crystal is 40MHz MAC: 68:b6:b3:04:75:f2 Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Erasing region (may be slow depending on size)... Erase completed successfully in 0.3 seconds. Staying in bootloader. Firmware erased! Waiting 5 seconds... Flashing ESP32 Marauder Firmware on a WiFi Devboard or ESP32-S2... v4.5.1 Serial port /dev/cu.usbmodem01 Connecting... Chip is ESP32-S2 (revision v0.0) Features: WiFi, No Embedded Flash, No Embedded PSRAM, ADC and temperature sensor calibration in BLK2 of efuse V2 Crystal is 40MHz MAC: 68:b6:b3:04:75:f2 Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Configuring flash size... Flash will be erased from 0x00001000 to 0x00004fff... Flash will be erased from 0x00008000 to 0x00008fff... Flash will be erased from 0x00010000 to 0x000e2fff... Compressed 13648 bytes to 9382... Wrote 13648 bytes (9382 compressed) at 0x00001000 in 0.2 seconds (effective 451.0 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Compressed 3072 bytes to 129... Wrote 3072 bytes (129 compressed) at 0x00008000 in 0.1 seconds (effective 361.9 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Compressed 863072 bytes to 568708... Wrote 863072 bytes (568708 compressed) at 0x00010000 in 6.3 seconds (effective 1099.5 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified.

Leaving... Staying in bootloader. ESP32-S2 has been flashed with Marauder! Invalid option! `

SkeletonMan03 commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what you did to cause that, but it flashed, so...

sysfu commented 1 year ago

The "Invalid option!" at the end shows up in red. What option was invalid? I'm using the Wi-Fi dev board.

I was able to reproduce the same error after choosing option 1 in the flash script. Connected the wifi dev board to my flipper and confirmed that version 0.10.4 of ESP32 Marauder was flashed successfully so it appears the error can be safely ignored.

Choosing option 2 in the flash script (serial support) does not produce the error.

Are you using fish shell in the terminal per chance?

Hash of data verified.

Staying in bootloader.
ESP32-S2 has been flashed with Marauder!
Invalid option!
user@mac /u/l/s/FZEasyMarauderFlash (main)> 


macOS 10.15.7 Python 3.11.3 fish shell 3.6.1 Official Flipper WiFi dev board