i use breadcrumbs because without hierarchy, I worry notes are getting “lost”. I might take a note on the same thing three times, because I titled it differently each time.
since discovering BC, im going through my vault looking for disconnected notes. Basically I want every note to have an “up”.
I developed a workaround to reveal these orphan notes, but it takes a few steps and needs to be manually refreshed
Go to top/master index note and use BC to “create index”
Paste in note along with dataview to show all notes not linked to by this index:
FROM "" AND -"path/to/exclude" AND -#tag_to_exclude
AND -outgoing([[Note where I pasted index]])
SORT file.mtime asc
Limit 40
Or take it a step further by also excluding any notes one-link-removed (notes linked to notes linked to Index) by including:
`WHERE !filter([[Note where I pasted index]].file.outlinks, (o) => contains(file.outlinks, o) OR contains(file.inlinks, o))`
**problem: needs manual refresh**
After finding and connecting some orphans, you have to go back to the master/index note, recreate the index with BC, and paste it again.
Obsidians built-in graph view could be used to reveal orphans (again after using BC to create index), but that would involve looking at the graph view 😵💫
i use breadcrumbs because without hierarchy, I worry notes are getting “lost”. I might take a note on the same thing three times, because I titled it differently each time.
since discovering BC, im going through my vault looking for disconnected notes. Basically I want every note to have an “up”.
I developed a workaround to reveal these orphan notes, but it takes a few steps and needs to be manually refreshed
FROM "" AND -"path/to/exclude" AND -#tag_to_exclude
AND -outgoing([[Note where I pasted index]])
SORT file.mtime asc Limit 40