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Error displayed when adding component event #1069

Open TanTai97o opened 3 months ago

TanTai97o commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug When I add event of FirebaseDB component,Then this error appears, it's silly

Screenshot_20240116_205236_Sketchware Pro

Screenshot_20240116_210556_Sketchware Pro

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hasrat-ali commented 2 months ago

I couldn't reproduce it. Maybe you have some custom components with same typeName. That's why that happened.

TanTai97o commented 2 months ago

I couldn't reproduce it. Maybe you have some custom components with same typeName. That's why that happened.

I don't have any custom components same TypeName

TanTai97o commented 2 months ago

I couldn't reproduce it. Maybe you have some custom components with same typeName. That's why that happened.

So can this error be fixed? It annoys me because it keeps crashing and Wrong display