Skidamek / AutoModpack

Enjoy a seamless modpack installation process and effortless updates with a user-friendly solution that simplifies management, making your gaming experience a breeze.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
91 stars 29 forks source link

What about a Forge release? #128

Closed hazard1nc closed 9 months ago

hazard1nc commented 1 year ago

This is a very much needed thing for all the people, and all the mod loading platforms! I wish I had half the talent you all do, I wanna be able to port it myself, but I'm not good at programming, yet anyway. I love this and really need something like it for my family server, they don't understand how to do all the mods, and they don't have the patience to learn. So, I'm stuck for hours downloading everything on a hotspot tether from my phone, you have no idea how much it sucks! This would be handy for them, I could just update the mods on the server, and make sure to set them up for auto mod updates!

Please think about it, or someone please port it over! We really require this for many servers. I was thinking to upload it to one of the mod pack launchers, but I don't know how to do any of that and this would be way easier!

I gave you the highest rating I could for this, It works well on fabric, the tests went well! thought you should know, all of you that put in that time for this project, thank you all for this amazing tool! just, can we please port it over to others? even if it's just forge

Skidamek commented 1 year ago

Hey! Nice to hear that kind words! Thank you! And yes! Forge support is indeed needed and planned for half a year already but i didn't have much time to do that yet because of school and i needed to already update this mod to mamy versions and make many fixed because this is my first minecraft mod and java project after all so at first it wasn't really good you know? I needed to re-write it to make it work as it does now. But yeah forge support is now one of the highest point on my to-do list. So yeah thank you soo much holidays are coming so stay tuned! :))

EzequielDM commented 1 year ago

Will comment here to show my support on this suggestion, I really would love to have this mod on Forge to manage servers for bigger modpacks. Sadly not all mods are ported to fabric nowadays so we're still stuck to Forge most of the time. Really looking forward to seeing the Forge port. This mod is something I've been talking about for over 10 years now but never put the effort to create, finally it's here.

MrKashew commented 11 months ago

@Skidamek I want to second OP, this mod is amazing and I'm so excited for the forge release - it perfectly fits my server's use case as well and there is no modpacker streamer that works on runtime like this one does 😍