Skidamek / AutoModpack

Enjoy a seamless modpack installation process and effortless updates with a user-friendly solution that simplifies management, making your gaming experience a breeze.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Velocity proxy is incompatible, client gets disconnected with no mod message #193

Open MrRubberDucky opened 7 months ago

MrRubberDucky commented 7 months ago

Bug description

Trying to join a server that's behind a Velocity proxy with a modded client that has Fabric & AutoModpack mod installed will result in a disconnect from backend server.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Plop AutoModpack into client, install latest Fabric Loader for 1.20.1
  2. Try to join a server hosting a AutoModpack behind Velocity proxy
  3. Get disconnected due to not having the mod installed on client

Expected behavior

AutoModpack allows me to connect via Velocity and download the modpack

Actual behavior

Client gets disconnected with a " has not installed AutoModpack." message

Relevant logs

Back-end (Game Server)

OG_MrRubberDucky has not installed AutoModpack.
com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@47ea0260[id=trimming,name=OG_MrRubberDucky,properties={textures=[]},legacy=false] (/redacted:42834) lost connection: AutoModpack mod for fabric modloader is required to play on this server!

Front-end (Velocity)

OG_MrRubberDucky (/redacted:25436) has disconnected: Unable to connect to modded: AutoModpack mod for fabric modloader is required to play on this server!

Minecraft & Mod Loader versions

1.20.1 Fabric 0.14.24, Velocity 3.2.0-SNAPSHOT-294

Minecraft launcher

Modrinth Launcher

Operating system

Windows 11 (Host), Debian Bookworm (back-end), Debian Bookworm (front-end)

AutoModpack version


Other information

Velocity plugins installed: SignedVelocity, VPacketEvents, Raknetify (with, or without it's the same)

Fabric mods installed: FabricProxy-Lite, CrossStitch, SignedVelocity and Raknetify

The problem might just be AutoModpack not querying back to Velocity about what mods client has, not really sure but at least a lead for where to look.

Check list

Skidamek commented 7 months ago

I have in plans to make separate plugin for velocity to resolve this

Skidamek commented 7 months ago

The problem is just that automodpack packets are and need to be semi-first* and it is too early for velocity to handle from backend server I guess

MrRubberDucky commented 7 months ago

I have in plans to make separate plugin for velocity to resolve this

Ah aighty, good to know that it's planned! For now I just ended up going NGINX stream module route (alongside rathole) and so far it's been fine.

Lovin this mod btw it makes managing modpacks for friends and small communities a blast so thank you for creating this, it's really a game changer.

The problem is just that automodpack packets are and need to be semi-first* and it is too early for velocity to handle from backend server I guess

I learned something new today

FireBall1725 commented 2 months ago

was there ever a fix for this?