Skidamek / AutoModpack

Enjoy a seamless modpack installation process and effortless updates with a user-friendly solution that simplifies management, making your gaming experience a breeze.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Failed to download fabric 1.20.1 #242

Closed archenovalis closed 1 week ago

archenovalis commented 1 week ago

Bug description

Client receives modpack-content.json but cannot download any other files from the server. Client is able to download some files from modrinth.

Steps to reproduce

start server start client

Expected behavior

download files from server

Actual behavior

failed to download any mods or configs from the server

Relevant logs

[15:03:08] [AutoModpackDownload-1/INFO]: Downloading automodpack\modpacks\valowank\mods\Soaring-Structures-2-1.20.1-2.5.1-FABRIC.jar from
[15:03:08] [AutoModpackDownload-1/INFO]: [STDERR]:
[15:03:08] [AutoModpackDownload-1/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[15:03:08] [AutoModpackDownload-1/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/
[15:03:08] [AutoModpackDownload-1/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at pl.skidam.automodpack_loader_core.utils.DownloadManager.downloadFile(
[15:03:08] [AutoModpackDownload-1/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at pl.skidam.automodpack_loader_core.utils.DownloadManager.downloadTask(
[15:03:08] [AutoModpackDownload-1/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at pl.skidam.automodpack_loader_core.utils.DownloadManager.lambda$downloadNext$0(
[15:03:08] [AutoModpackDownload-1/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$
[15:03:08] [AutoModpackDownload-1/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[15:03:08] [AutoModpackDownload-1/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[15:03:08] [AutoModpackDownload-1/INFO]: [STDERR]:  at java.base/

Minecraft & Mod Loader versions

1.20.1 fabric 0.15.11

Minecraft launcher


Operating system


AutoModpack version


Other information

file location on server is correct: image

Check list

archenovalis commented 1 week ago

hash is correct: image

archenovalis commented 1 week ago

server correctly updates client's content file and receives correct hash request: image

Skidamek commented 1 week ago

Try latest build from GitHub actions it might have been already fixed in dev

Skidamek commented 1 week ago

Skidamek commented 1 week ago

And could you send your automodpack server config file?

archenovalis commented 1 week ago

found the issue.

server didn't generate the content.json so it had not generated the hash map. using the server to generate the content.json fixed the issue

Skidamek commented 1 week ago

Why did it not generate modpack? Was generateModpackOnStart disabled?

Skidamek commented 1 week ago

Should work now i guess, let me know if you able to reproduce it on beta 2