SkillTech-Organization / AXERP_API

AXERP Backend layer
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Calculate hash value in AXERP BE side when check the difference at GasTranasction update happened or not #49

Closed szdezso closed 2 months ago

szdezso commented 3 months ago

AC-01 Please follow the last comments fro mthis Trello card:

AC-02 When read the GasTranasction data from the Google sheet and the DeliveryID and DeliveryIDsffx (combo) existing in Azure database as well. Then the AXERP BE calcualte a hash value from the all cells of the GasTransaction row.

AC-03 After Hash vallue calculated on the AXERP BE side then compare this valuer different to earlier stored hash value in Azure DB (HASH column).

AC-03 If the are same then nothing to do.

AC-04 If the are different then update the GasTransaction data in Azure DB from the current GasTransaction row form Google sheet.