SkillTech-Organization / AXERP_API

AXERP Backend layer
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How to query flexible way the stored raw GasTranasction rows to UI - PoC #7

Closed szdezso closed 4 months ago

szdezso commented 4 months ago

AC-01 Build a PoC function to query GasTrasanction data w/ Dapper.

AC-02 Query function runs SQL Command from parameter

AC-03 This query parameter configurable on the Azure portal

AC-04 How to works the server side filtering?

AC-05 Document it to our Google docs -

C-63 commented 4 months ago

@szdezso new parameters - they have default hard-coded values so it's not neccessary to set them right away

    "Sql_Query_Paged_GasTransactions": "select X.* from (select _table.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (/**orderby**/) AS RowNumber from GasTransactions _table /**where**/) as X where RowNumber between @start and @finish",

    "Sql_Query_Count_GasTransactions": "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GasTransactions",