Sklore / HL_DD_5e_Colab

This is a community effort to add many options that the community felt were missing from the D&D 5e SRD Hero Labs release.
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Dragon Hide both version did not change with the additions of new Fizban Dragonborns #1073

Closed Dragon5e closed 2 years ago

Dragon5e commented 2 years ago

I added type dragonborn to the old Dragonborn race and changed the pick req to ttDragonbor. Claw was off a bit so readded as Unarmed strike with name of Claw. Here's the code custom.txt .

Fenris447 commented 2 years ago

Because the base Dragonborn are part of the SRD, it takes a ton of work to replace them within the pack. It's been done before with the Tieflings, but that's a huge headache and not one that's really worth doing just for this.

The workaround is to make the requisite look for either the base Dragonborn race or the Dragonborn type. This is already in place for the XGTE version of Dragon Hide, but I'll apply it to the UA version. I'm doing the same for Dragon Wings. And it also tells me I need to do a full review for all the subraces added in MPMotM and later as well for pre-requisites. That's a headache, but one I'll take on.

Can you explain what problems you had with the Claw?

Fenris447 commented 2 years ago

Oh I think I get what was wrong with the Claw. I have it the IsWeapon.wUnarmed tag so that it functions like similar features, such as the Tabaxi's Claws.

I finished reviewing and updating every Feat I could find to make they would work both for the base race and the new variations of the races (like MPMotM Eladrin, AAG Astral Elf, etc.). Thanks for putting this all on my radar. It was a good and necessary thing to review!