Sklore / HL_DD_5e_Colab

This is a community effort to add many options that the community felt were missing from the D&D 5e SRD Hero Labs release.
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Finally adjusted Fist Wraps and Brass Knuckles #1079

Closed Dragon5e closed 2 years ago

Dragon5e commented 2 years ago

For the longest time I could not see why Fist Wraps and Brass Knuckles could not be buffed as the unarmed strike in store was. Yes I added one to store to make it easy on me to add to a minion. What I learned is I cannot extend the original name of wraps and knuckles. I had to use their new name to use in extend. custom.txt

Dragon5e commented 2 years ago

Fist Wraps and Brass Knuckles now look like all unarmed strikes and natural weapons After thinking about it made the Brass Knuckles Finesse as that what it take for a rogue to sneak attack with it.

Fenris447 commented 2 years ago

Without access to the actual text, I can't verify or test any of this. Are the weapons considered Natural weapons? If not, adding the BaseNatWep tag isn't appropriate. And I also don't see why we need the custom Unarmed Strike weapon. None of the effects you mention in its description (Hex, Hunter's Mark, Divine Strike) actually modify weapons in Hero Lab. So there's no need for a separate Unarmed Strike "weapon" to be added.

Like a lot of the stuff you submit, I see where you're going and somewhat how you're thinking, but it doesn't align with how other, similar Things are done in the pack.

It also comes down to this being 3rd Party content, which I'm not actively supporting.