Sklore / HL_DD_5e_Colab

This is a community effort to add many options that the community felt were missing from the D&D 5e SRD Hero Labs release.
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Mystic - UA - v3 #646

Closed furby076 closed 6 years ago

furby076 commented 7 years ago

@DarkHayZe and I have create the mystic class. @shadowchemosh helped a lot as well

Latest and greatest version will be posted here ===> 6/25; 20:45 ET COM_5ePack_UA - Mystic

Below are the open items: General

Discipline Focus

~~Order of Awakened

Order of Immortal

Nomad Abilities

  1. Skills and tools take aways picks from languages (this is good); however languages do not take away picks from skills and tools (this is the bad)
  2. Languages are showing all languages, including ones you already have chosen with the exception of any background languages; I suppose this isn't a huge issue, but it would be nice to fix
furby076 commented 7 years ago

Made a bunch of updates to the file. Marked above for things that are DONE.

Discipline will be the hardest. If someone can come up with an elegant way of making one, i can copy it to the rest. I would imagine it works like this: 1) you select a discipline (up to your class level limit), 2) all the powers in a discipline are listed separately as spells, and 3) the discipline focus is listed in the special. clicking on the focus activates it

TheEnthusiast commented 7 years ago
  1. Take a look at the monk's ki points, and the way of the four elements for spells and costs. You should be able to do something similar.

  2. Its a bunch of features packed together, like spellcasting. You will have a better time starting from the monk and working from there.

  3. See the Elder Gods warlock pathron or the shardmind race. Its basically a Special with no real mechanics(code).

  4. No, nothing.

  5. Perfect.

  6. Use the "show selection options from the in play tab" to build a list and change the save. The Fighter's Samurai Archetype has something quite close to this(see unbreakable will).

  7. Cleric's divine strike ability.

  8. Again, monk. Check how the ammount of points is increased as you level, and copy shamelessly.

  9. The monk has the same immunities, if you didnt implement.

Disciplines - implement them as a class Ability. See how the Fighter battle master and its maneuvers were implemented. Or the ranger's favored enemies. Do something like those.

Spectral Form - do a test to see if the feature is active, there's an example of this in the sharpshooter and great weapon master feats. Within the if, forward all the necessary changes.

Hope that helps.


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-------- Mensagem Original -------- De:furby076 Enviado em:Sun, 07 May 2017 23:24:58 -0300 Para:Sklore/HL_DD_5e_Colab Cc:Subscribed Assunto:[Sklore/HL_DD_5e_Colab] Mystic - UA - v3 (#646)

Hello All. I am attempting at creating the Mystic, from UA - Linked PDF to wizard site

Other than rudimentary coding, I haven't really done anything major. So, with that. I created the base class and Order of the awakened. Below are the items that are missing, sorted by Base class, Order of Awakened, and Disciplines (not started yet). I don't mind doing the grunt work of creating the base items, but do need help in the more technical areas.

Mystic Base

It's set for Bard type caster, not point type. How do i get this to cast on points, and show the limit a Mystic can spend per level?Psionic Body: How do i set resistance type (bludgeon, piercing, slashing), No longer age, create special ability for the "if you die, roll d20"Mystical Recovery - There shouldn't be anything to do here, but listing it just in case someone thinks I am wrongAbility Score Improvement - I left it from default class. Please let me know if you think this is rightStrength of Mind - Is there a way to show this proficiency swap for saving throw?Potent Psionics - Is there a way to show this on your weapon as well as your powers?Consumptive Power - I just need to make this a 1 per short rest ability that is trackedPsionic Mastery - How should this be shown? The pool grows, plus the amount of times to use it per day grows

Order of the Awakened

How do you make it to choose bonus disciplines from your Order?Awakened Talent: DONEPsionic Investigation: Nothing to do here but have it a 1 per short restPsionic Surge: Nothing to do here but have it a 1 per short restSpectral Form: How should this be made, that when selected, it shows the benefits (e.g., resistance to all damage, half speed, etc)


Not started yet, but I imagine the hard part will be to show the Focus ability

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furby076 commented 7 years ago

That's a huge help. I'm still having trouble with psi points....I'm not sure how to get it to increment each level. I rebuilt the class using monk, and made some more changes. Talents are also being added.

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

Modeling Psi Points after either Ki or Sorcery Points is probably how you want to go. If you pull those up it should have everything you need to know about building them and increasing them per level.

  ~ If we're not shown, just get out now
  doneif (tagis[Helper.ShowSpec] = 0)

  ~ If we're disabled, do nothing
  doneif (tagis[Helper.Disable] <> 0)

  hero.childfound[trkKi].field[trkMax].value += field[xAllLev].value

That is the code from Ki, which references a tracker. Which is nothing special in and of itself.


So if you create "trkPsi" and reference that instead of "trkKi" it should work. Making the necessary adjustments to it to match the specifics of Psi vs Ki

furby076 commented 7 years ago

Thanks. So I found the Monk KI ability (in class special ability) and changed it to PsiPoints. Then, in the script I changed trkKi to trkPsi....but where do I find "trkKi" so I can update that?

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

General > Tracker

furby076 commented 7 years ago

Thanks...I built it, but not sure how to make it grow at the pace of a mystic. So I made: Class Special: Psi Points ---- hero.childfound[trkPsiP5C].field[trkMax].value += field[xAllLev].value Tracker: Psi Points Tracker ---- No scripts

So what's the next step to find the formula?

Sorry for the all the questions...your help is appreciated

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

That is where it is going to get difficult, being there is no rime or reason to the growth of the psi points. I do have an idea based on the script for cantrip growth.

   linkage[table].field[cCustScTot].arrayvalue[3] += 2
   linkage[table].field[cCustScTot].arrayvalue[6] += 4
   linkage[table].field[cCustScTot].arrayvalue[11] += 6
   linkage[table].field[cCustScTot].arrayvalue[17] += 8

However, to modify it I am not exactly sure for psipoints.

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

How did you handle this in your old version @LordMorin

furby076 commented 7 years ago

I have no idea where or how to apply that, but imagine the math has to be somewhere. How else would it know when to provide Ki and how else would it know to provide sorcerers?

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately they go up by 1 per level, where as the Mystic makes seemingly random leaps and bounds. So to do it, it needs to be built as an array. Attack the file you have and I will take a look at it and see if I can come up with something.

furby076 commented 7 years ago

THank you!

I fixed the naming (not on your version, but that's small stuff). So it's the math that is an issue. The "easy" stuff :)

furby076 commented 7 years ago

Yes. Is this right?


DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

I fixed what ever issue I was having, not sure how or why... still working on the Psipoints though

furby076 commented 7 years ago

I'm working on STrength of Mind. Does "else If" work? doneif (tagis[Helper.ShowSpec] = 0) doneif (tagis[Helper.Disable] <> 0)

~are we proficient in wisdom saves? if (hero.tagis[ProfSave.svWIS] = 0) then ~no, but now we are perform hero.assign[ProfSave.svWIS] else ~yes, then pick another attr field[usrCandid1].text = "component.BaseAttr & ( IsAttr.aSTR | IsAttr.aDEX | IsAttr.aCON | IsAttr.aCHA )" perform assign[ChooseSrc1.Hero] if (field[usrChosen1].ischosen <> 0) then if (field[usrChosen1].chosen.tagis[IsAttr.aSTR] <> 0) then perform hero.assign[ProfSave.svSTR] elseif perform hero.assign[ProfSave.svDEX] elseif perform hero.assign[ProfSave.svCON] else perform hero.assign[ProfSave.svCHA] endif endif endif

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

I got it working, I was thinking about it all wrong. Psi points are closer in kin to Combat superiority dice than Ki or Sorcery points. At least for tracking, or at least for how I figured out how to do them. Give me a few moments to finish the code and I will send it back to you

furby076 commented 7 years ago

Awesome! Let me know if there is any components i should delete

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

The tracker is unnecessary

furby076 commented 7 years ago

I'll wait for your updated files and will overwrite mine. :)

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

Avi-Custom I renamed it so you can compare the two.

furby076 commented 7 years ago

This is fantastic! Thank you. Any ideas for STrength of Mind? I tried making it like unbreakable will.

File has been updated up top

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

Not off hand, that one is going to be a bit more tricky I think.

furby076 commented 7 years ago

Darn.... Well, Psionic Mastery was created (I used your formula). It has two to state the max points you can use, and one to show how many uses you get per day

furby076 commented 7 years ago

Most of it works, except the portion of removing the Wisdom. field[usrCandid1].text = "component.BaseAttr & ( IsAttr.aWIS | IsAttr.aSTR | IsAttr.aDEX | IsAttr.aCON | IsAttr.aCHA )" perform assign[ChooseSrc1.Hero] if (field[usrChosen1].ischosen <> 0) then if (field[usrChosen1].chosen.tagis[IsAttr.aWIS] <> 0) then perform hero.assign[ProfSave.svWIS] endif if (field[usrChosen1].chosen.tagis[IsAttr.aSTR] <> 0) then perform hero.assign[ProfSave.svSTR] perform hero.remove[ProfSave.svWIS] endif

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

I would say remove Wis from that initial class assignment, and make this so it is gained at level one, and does a level check, and if that level check is < 4 then it = Wis... Hmm Maybe not, idk that ... idk

furby076 commented 7 years ago

Genius...pure genius! It's working. The thing is, when you hit level 4, you just gotta set Wisdom as your stat. File updated up top.

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

I would suggest building the Disciplines as abilities abilities rather than spells. Like Fighting styles or combat maneuvers

furby076 commented 7 years ago, next in line.... Bonus Disciplines. I was thinking of using the Bard Magical Secrets, but this allows for every spell..... Any thoughts on making an ability that allows me to restrict to certain disciplines. I made Discipline schools, including Mystic Talent. So maybe this can help to allow 2 bonus disciplines when picking an order

All Talent powers are made

furby076 commented 7 years ago

So I created a "fighting" style for the discipline psychic focus....Do you think a script could be made, so when you learn a discipline, the script adds the psychic focus ability to your tracked resources? That would be an elegant way of doing it

shadowchemosh commented 7 years ago

~Shadow Attached to this post is my take on how to implement the class in HL. Instead of using Spells and Selection Helpers I simply created Custom Abilities and Class Abilities. Then set them for the class tab table one, two, and three.

Table 1: Mystic Orders - These I left alone as they already where working. Table 2: Disciplines - These then bootstrap class abilities to present the different Psionic Abilities. I built a procedure you can call that will correctly make the livename match to the statblock information of psi points, action and duration. Table 3: Talents - Created as a custom ability again.

Try this out by adding the above file to your HL. I changed all the unique id's so it will live with the original file without errors.

Add a level of "Mysthic-Shadow" and you can see that the ability to add the above choices displays on the Class tab. I didn't convert everything just enough to give examples.

Hope this helps....

furby076 commented 7 years ago

Hey Shadow. Just got this, and it's fantastic! I will start making the individual powers in the Class Special, and will make the Custom ability to pull it in. Question: 1) Can I get rid of Mystic UA Spells section? 2) In Class Special, can I get rid of the disciplines I made on my own, or did you tie them into anything? 3) Is it possible to make the powers (currently in Class Special abilities) show in the spells tab? If not that is fine, i may make them appear in tracked resources

shadowchemosh commented 7 years ago

1) I would remove spellcasting from the class as it doesn't do anything. 2) If remember your disciplines are selection helpers. So they are not needed anymore. 3) Nope. They are not spells so will not display on the Spells tab. Once you remove the spellcasting tags from the class the spells tab will no longer be displayed at all.

Do you need to make the the abilities show in the tracked resources? From my reading all you need to track is the total Psi Points. You spend Psi Points to activate the different Talents or Discipline Effects.

furby076 commented 7 years ago
  1. Spellcasting removed
  2. Great, I will remove them
  3. OK

I labeled the psi focus as activated abilities. At most there will be 8 abilities, so it's a short list I was hoping to get the powers in a separate tab (at least not in specials) as it will get crowded. I think there will eventually be 30 powers - so the specials tab is cluttered. That's why I was wondering if there is a script to move the powers in to Spells tab --- or some other tab that is rarely used

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

You should be able to do that with a configurable. It is how things like Martial Adept, Magic Initiate, Hunter Abilities, Totem Warrior Abilities, etc... work.

shadowchemosh commented 7 years ago


@DarkHayZe The configurable gives a new selection table but it won't change the fact that the Powers display on the Specials tab of the UI. =(

@furby076 Attached is a new updated example version. This time add the Mystic Shadow class and then select the "Aura Sight" discipline. This adds the powers as spell-like abilities that are bootstrapped and they will then display on the Spells tab as spell-like abilities.

My take is that it may very well be confusing to a gamer to suddenly see Powers listed as spell-like abilities in HL. But it does get you the powers onto a different Tab of the UI. I see it as good and bad. ;)

Either way it gives two different proof of concepts to work from so hope it helps.


DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

@shadowchemosh I missed that part of the problem... however that is an easy fix, just a check box if I remember correctly.

shadowchemosh commented 7 years ago

@DarkHayZe I tried that and I couldn't get it to work in 5e. In pathfinder its the AbilType.SpellLike tag when applied will cause a Class Ability to display as a spell-like ability on the Spell-tab. I am I just missing the option in 5e to do that?

That was why in my updated example I turned the powers into Spells so they can be easily added using the editor buttons on the Class Special tab of the editor....

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

Before Before

Option to disable showing on specials tab

Class Special Do not show on Specials Tab

Custom Ability image

After After


shadowchemosh commented 7 years ago

The confusion here seems to be he does not want to "hide" the ability. He wants it to display on the Spells tab. A less clustered tab of info compared to the Specials tab/section which can quickly grow with LOTS of abilities.

So by me changing from bootstrapped class abilities (which display on the specials tab) to bootstrapped spells we display "Powers" on the Spell tab as spell-like abilities. Allowing it to be less clustered and display on a printed character sheet in a different area also.

In Pathfinder I could set some tags on the Class Ability to display in the Spells tab but its not working in 5e. =(

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

I will admit I have not tried combining the configuration tab and hide from specials option, but as far as I can tell it should work

shadowchemosh commented 7 years ago

Ok. Well I was unable to get it to work in 5e so far. If anyone knows how I am open to learning.

Otherwise bootstrapping spells seems to be the easy solution right now and has an easy built in method in the editor even. =)

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

I will have to look into it then. I prefer to off load things from the class tab when it they get large like the Mystic should.

furby076 commented 7 years ago

I am going to look at it soon, but yes, the reason is to keep the other pages less cluttered...Also, while the powers are not "spells" in the game sense, it makes sense it goes there.

Will report soon, and then will start the process of making individual powers.

Thanks so much!

furby076 commented 7 years ago

Making good progress. Going in alphabetic order, I finished Corrosive Metabolism.

Some things I am trying to code: Celerity Psychic Focus that gives +10 movement sped Corrosive MetabolismPsychic focus that gives resistance to acid and poison

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

For speed you want to write an eval script

Postlevels; Priority 10000
hero.childfound[Speed].field[tSpeed].value += 10

Figured it out

DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

As to the Resistances

Postlevels; Priority 10000
perform hero.assign[DamageRes.dtAcid]
perform hero.assign[DamageRes.dtPoison] 
DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

However being that focuses are not always active, you need to figure out how to code it to say, doneif not selected in the inplay tab,

furby076 commented 7 years ago

Sweet! Using your code, plus rage it now works!!! I can leverage this for a few other powers - so again, big thanks!

Can this be done for giving advantage to checks (e.g., perception, etc?)

  ~if we're curently focusing, forward a tag to the hero.
  ~note the timing is just before First/500, which is when the containerreqs on the focus powers will look for this tag
  if (field[abilActive].value <> 0) then
    perform hero.childfound[skInsight].assign[Helper.Advantage]

It's not applying a star next to the Insight skill

furby076 commented 7 years ago

One focus grants +2 dmg to talents. How do i apply this? I figure to use the same wrapper code that means it activates only when the activated ability is checked

  if (field[abilActive].value <> 0) then
  foreach pick in hero from BaseWep where "!wProperty.PsiTalent"
    eachpick.field[dmmBonus].value += field[abValue].value
DarkHayZe commented 7 years ago

Look at cloak of elvenkind for advantage image

Based on what your code says, I presume you are making Talents that are attacks weapons.